Aims and Objectives of the Club
- To safe guard the interest of the tourists and maintain high ethical standards within the tourism trade.
- To provide training to the members and improve their overall competence level.
- To work closely with the Government bodies to promote tourism
- To lead a process of change to better prepare the members to face challenges of the current and future business environment in the tourism field.
- To set and regulate standard and practices to be maintained by members so as to establish disciplinary standards
- To act as arbitrators and otherwise to assist in the settlement of disputes and difficulties arising amongst members in connection with Tourism Trade.
- To acquaint the public with the services which members are able to provide with a view of establishing that the membership of the club is a guarantee of competence and integrity in the tourism field.
- To represent the tour operations trade before official bodies of Government and other appropriate forums
- To educate and equip the members to meet the challenges of tomorrow through meetings and seminars
- To gather useful information on tourism and disseminate them to members for their guidance
- To promote social, cultural, literacy, sports, games and like activities among the members and their families.
- To establish libraries and reading rooms
- To provide facilities and to get the club affiliated to similar bodies